Our Programs

Bigs in Blue is a one-to-one mentoring program that connects youth with police in communities throughout our nation, building strong, trusting, lasting relationships. These relationships can help children develop into confident adults and help build stronger bonds between law enforcement and the families they serve.
What is the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bigs In Blue Program
Bigs In Blue Program Pairs Cops With Kids To Ease Tensions With Police
Community Based Program

The Community Based Program involves Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Big Couples, and Big Families. This program is designed to match children between 5 and 17 years old, with an adult who can serve as a positive role model, giving a child a chance to see their unlimited potential and providing the opportunity to develop into a more responsible, successful, well-rounded individual.
Campus Kids
Campus Kids is a staff supervised site based mentoring program specifically for children waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister. It meets once a week at the South Dakota Mines campus and is led by college student Campus Kids Leaders.